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Brain fog has become an increasingly encountered health condition in the general population, especially as a result of long-term COVID-19 infections. Interestingly, it is not considered a medical condition even though it is strongly linked with many clinical conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, autoimmune disease, and COVID-19.
This frustrating condition can be weary, and its underlying causes are not fully understood. Several scientific explanations have been proposed, such as neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, hormonal imbalance, compromised blood flow or oxygenation, and energy production, etc. When it comes to treatment options, it is rather ambiguous and non-specific to the condition itself.
When looking at advocated treatments, you get a feeling of “shooting in the dark” – blasting on everything you can think of, from lifestyle changes, diet modifications, exercises, stress management, and medical investigations, to supportive therapies. Isn’t it an “overkill” for a condition that is not even classified as a medical condition?

This article will explore brain fog and how Airnergy can be a unique solution for this non-medical yet debilitating condition.
BRAIN FOG Successful treatment with Airnergy

The human bodies are extremely complex and our brain is by far the most complicated system. It is well understood in science that the complexity of the human brain is the same as the entire universe. Scientists have revealed the striking similarity between the dark matter in space and the human nerve cells and neural networks. Thus, the concept of a universal mind is proposed to reflect the human consciousness and our intricate connection with the world within ourselves and the world outside. In such a vast network, you can imagine how many electro-bio-physiological processes are being processed each second. It requires lighting communication with electrons, neurons, and sophisticated regulation of electromagnetic fields. Despite making up only 2 percent of a human’s body weight, the brain uses roughly a fifth of the body’s energy. The energy load per cell is extremely dense, which requires resilient structural integrity of the cells to perform various tasks. At the same time, there are essential needs such as waste disposal and an efficient cooling-down mechanism. *


The term brain fog is pretty much spot-on about the condition, it is like the foggy experience when you just started a car in a cold winter. Under such a weather condition, you will find the cold mist on the car window making it impossible to see clearly. The reason behind this is very easy to understand, it is due to coldness the humid air is condensed and becomes mist on the windshield. The solution is practically common knowledge to everyone, you just need to turn up the heater and use the heat energy to blast away the mist. I want to use this daily experience to make a simple comparison to illustrate the energetic root cause of brain fog.

It is a known fact that everything is about energy and life is simply a manifestation of energy adaption. When it comes to the living function of the body, there are two aspects of energy we need to consider. On the one hand, we require energy to perform various tasks for functional purposes, such as digesting food, running a marathon, or simply keeping us alive. On this account, there are various physiological regulations and biological operations that are keeping it in check. On the other hand, the body itself requires energy to maintain its structural integrity which is not associated with any functional tasks, but rather a basic operational condition. For example, the electric charge asserted on the wall of cells (so-called transmembrane potential), or the pH level in the blood. These two kinds of energy requirements can be compared to a car: gasoline for driving (functional energy) and engine oil to keep the engine in good condition (structural integrity). Similarly, while brain fog isn’t considered a medical condition, the lack of engine oil isn’t a technical problem with the car.

Although this comparison simplifies brain fog, it relates to many life situations. If you have an electric device that works with a 220V electric supply, but you take it to the USA and plug it into a 110V socket. We all know what can happen to the device, it simply will run in “slow motion”. If it is an audio player, the music that comes from it will be a completely distorted melody. In today’s world, we experience it more often when we try to watch a movie but the internet is too low. So, the so-called brain fog is essentially a matter of energy deficiency or “legging behind” in cellular respiration. Let me explain what I mean by this in an understandable manner.

*You can relate this to the use of a computer or a car, which all need cooling and exhaust systems in place. This may sound like a usual necessity, but it is rather challenging for the brain since it can’t use ordinary mechanisms as we have in the rest of our bodies due to its high sensitivity and vulnerability to viruses and bacteria. The bloodbrain barrier serves as a protective shield to prevent any unwanted entrance, even lymph can’t enter the brain. So, the human brain is designed in an ingenious way to meet these challenging demands. In short, there are three essential elements for a healthy brain:
  • 1. Powerhouse

    A high concentration of mitochondria, the powerhouse, is present in the brain cells. It is estimated at over 2 million mitochondria per cell. This ensures a great energy supply to the brain cells.

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  • 2. Energy and information storage

    The special water content of the brain fluid serves as the universal reservoir of energy and information storage. At the same time, it serves as a unique cooling system for the brain.

  • 3. Detox

    A unique glymphatic system works with cerebrospinal fluid to remove various toxins from the brain during sleep.

The trinity

of the above three elements is critically important for a healthy brain. A proper brain function heavily relies on the energy input from efficient cellular respiration and waste removal, through which oxygen is converted into water as pure green energy. In my past articles, such as topics on free radicals and oxidative stress, this has been extensively explored. Without duplicating those works, I want to direct our attention to the phenomenon of brain fog.

As explained earlier, brain fog is essentially the outcome of a reduced energy supply and excessive buildup of toxicities. To maintain a healthy status, the neurons in the brain require a high state of electric membrane potential. Typical values of the transmembrane potential are in the range between -70 to -40 mV. The transmembrane potentials of neurons, however, are between -80 to -70 mV. If this is not satisfied, the brain simply has to work in “slow motion”, like what we exemplified with an electric device, music player, or internet.

BRAINFOG Prevention with Airnergy Lesen Sie hier die Artikel The blunt truth: free radicals are essential for life and Oxidative stress: an elusive cause of inflammation and disease.
BRAIN FOG - Successful treatment with Airnergy

At the same time, there is a so-called Cell Danger Response, which is a defensive mechanism cells assert to protect them under adverse conditions. Events such as chemical toxicity, physical trauma, microbial attack, or psychoemotional abuse, can lead to the activity of Cell Danger Response. This will result in a cascade of conserved metabolic and immune responses, which can further deteriorate the energy supply due to mitochondria dysfunction. This by itself is already a great challenge for the human body, yet it is even more difficult for the brain.

The bottom line of all these is intricately linked with cellular respiration, which is the root source of energy supply to the cells. Through cellular respiration, electrons are extracted from oxygen for bio-physiological regulation and water is formed as the ultimate green bioenergy for the cells. Water has even been regarded as “the molecule of the mind” due to its essential biophysical role in brain activation. As outlined in past articles on cellular respiration under increased oxidative stress or inflammation, there is a disruption in generating the pure green energy of water. Thus, brain fog and associated symptoms are some of the many potential consequences of the altered energy status.


I have stressed often in the past about the concept of “Butterfly Effects” and how I use Airnergy as an indispensable tool to address health at the root level. Brain fog is just one of the many possible adaptive responses of the body to a particular pathological energy alteration at the cellular level. There is an expression that when it rains, it pours. What I mean by this is that brain fog is never a single event or symptom, rather it comes with a host of physiological changes. If we consider cellular respiration as the butterfly, then the electric energy in “oxygen” and “water” are like the flipping wings of it. Airnergy bypasses human limitations to create pure green energy for the body through breathing, a process that is what gives us a life, a soul, a conscious mind, and a vital brain. The mechanism of Airnergy has been described in previous articles, I kindly ask you to use them as reference. Here I just want to give a couple of examples I have encountered in my consultation with different individuals.

One individual suffered brain fog after being infected with COVID-19 even though she had been vaccinated against the virus. She had suffered from brain fog for several weeks before reaching out for help. The most disturbing problem of this brain fog was the sleeping problem, she could only sleep for 2-3 hours a night. After she started with Airnergy, she could immediately feel the difference. When I tried to check on her about one month later, she told me that her sleep was completely fine and the brain fog was gone. But the funny thing she asked me was what she should do with the Airnergy machine since her sleep problem had gone. I find this reflected the ironic truth that people are focusing on symptoms rather than the root causes. Therefore, she could only think of the particular problem she was concerned about and not what Airnergy was able to do for total well-being.

Another individual had a much more severe brain fog with memory issues and easily lost her thoughts during a talk. What’s even more, she could hear the sound of blood flow in her brain during the night. This sounded extremely scary to her and she felt like lost her mind. I explained that this was caused by extreme narrowing of the cerebrovascular, which could create a sharp pitch when blood flowed through. Nevertheless, it is the same solution that uses Airnergy to address the root cause. Similar to the previous individual, she recovered from everything after using Airnergy for less than a month.


Nature is one. It is not divided into physics, chemistry, or quantum physics. The human body is a part of nature, and whatever happens to our body or mind is inseparable from the vast vital energy of life. I can only encourage everyone to look into life and look into Airnergy for true well-being.

Jibin Chi, MD, MBA, MBI
CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden

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Cell vitalization with Airnergy

Airnergy Vitalizers are making experts sit up and take notice and our customers breathe a sigh of relief. They adapt a crucial process of natural photosynthesis for human and animal cells. For the first time, the energy of healthy forest air can be generated technologically at almost any time and in almost any place. This takes cellular respiration to a whole new level with a highly energized breathing atmosphere / singlet oxygen.

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"We are not do-gooders - but we want to make the world a better place!" - Guido Bierther

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Airnergy technology: help for holistic vitality and regenerative power

Airnergy technology can support you in bringing your vitality and regenerative power / self-healing power into an optimal state of order. For about 22 years, thousands of customers have had the following experiences, some of which have been accompanied by measurements (see case study by Dr. Chi below): Neuro-regeneration, improvement in cognitive performance instead of brain fog and/or concentration disorders, sleep disorders, tinnitus and other accompanying disorders in nerve cells and blood vessels. Of course, a healthy lifestyle is still necessary if you want to feel good all round. Minimize any exposure to heavy metals, mobile phones and WLAN, especially if you have brain fog and the above-mentioned problems. Eat as naturally as possible. The brain needs around 20 percent of our energy, mainly for active communication between nerve cells via electrical and chemical signals. Emotional and mental balance is also immensely important. Go out into nature more often, preferably into the forest, because that's where you recharge your batteries. That is why we have spared no effort to provide this independently for all those who need more of it or do not have sufficient opportunities to do so. AIRNERGY employees and representatives do not, of course, make any promises of healing. It is up to you whether you want to take responsibility for your own health.

You have the choice!

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